Friday, January 30, 2009

in the father name of ******

disturbed, intrigued .. irritated. oh why does this have to happen? one mouth's disability to mind someone's limit had unleashed the voice of golden dragon. well, one have to honour to each of every single word he/she said. the only way to change the lines are either by apology or .... nothing counts. in some occasions, sorries are inevitable. aside to those who were not remotely involved, like myself, need not 'yo yo or' and act like we understand the situation and make things worse. for those who are not in line with the whole story altogether or only have sparse information from makcik makcik kepo block 11.. please do help the situation by just keeping quiet.

nothing gets solved. the hatred within, will be carried thru decades. will never be forgotten. this is not a situation where one just shut up and 'suah'. this is also not a situation where confrontation over coffee will do any good.

its about blood ties we're talking about here. would you just keep quiet when you know that your own folk is being dissed? for the love of you coming thru their 'effort', im more than certain you'll get affected. no, dont lie. you will. when you are affected by it, how would you think that the other party's reaction was. true to what a saying my dad tought me, "do not offend others if you dont wanna get offended". i personally think if you are willing to offend others, you must be prepared or adaptive to being offended. else, it would be a one sided affair and things will definitely wont be good.

let's just put you in this situation; your father is being disrespectful of someone else father. this someone else, got the point across, and along the way, disrespect your father.
A: do you irregardless of what your father did, be supportive of your father's doings and start to find fault?
B: do you talk to your father about his wrong doings, apologize to the other party and move on?
C: do you leave things as it is and bear grudges?
D: do you reprimand your father for hurting others, thus this is bestowed upon whatever thats happening?

i'm in no situation to think what's the best move but it seems like this whole drama was very uncalled for and could be avoided with a simple thought of feeling for others.

and please, do not use in the name of god to seek justice only when things like this happens... it's hypocrite's move.

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